Recovery in the Lifestyle

group of individuals, wearing blue jeans, one wearing a green shirt, the other one wearing a blue shirt, with notebooks on their laps.

Recovery in the Lifestyle

This website serves as the official landing site for Recovery in the Lifestyle (RitL) approved by the General Service (GS) Board of RitL. 

Check out our Meetings & Support page to find out about our virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings. We encourage you to consider beginning a meeting in your area. Our literature can be found on our resource page. 

Please note that other groups can use the RitL name as stated in our Fourth Tradition: "Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Recovery as a whole."

In-Person, Hybrid, and Virtual Meeting Lists - November 2024

We’ve reorganized our meeting pages to offer clear, dedicated sections for Hybrid Meetings and In-Person Meetings, making it easier than ever to find what you need. If you lead or attend a meeting that’s not listed on our site, we’d love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us through: or through our website feedback form. 

Website Feedback

Have a suggestion for our website or spotted an error? We warmly welcome your feedback through our  Website Feedback form.