Recovery in the Lifestyle
Please note all meetings listed here are Eastern Daylight Time. To find out what that means for you check out this time zone converter.
This page appears on phone and tablet as out of order. This page is best viewed by computer. To look at our meetings in order of day and time by phone screen check out this document.
Monday 7:30 PM NEO RitL
Meeting ID: 994 3910 5756
Passcode: 255170
Wednesday 6:30 PM NYC RitL
Meeting ID: 465 717 9931
Password: 0660
Thursday Chicago 7:00 PM Hybrid
Meeting ID: 893 7882 5308
Passcode: 12x12
First Fridays 8:00 PM Fellowship
First Friday's of the month
Meeting ID: 834 0432 5298
Passcode: 689121
Sunday 6:00 PM Eastern RitL
Meeting ID: 818 5198 1985
Passcode: 190493
Tuesday 8:00 PM Eastern RitL
Meeting ID: 890 4566 3816
Passcode: Recovery
Wednesday 10:30 PM RitL Portland
Meeting ID: 836 3683 9308
Passcode: 110958
Saturday 12:00 PM RitL
Meeting ID: 884 0748 3338
Password: Saturday
Saturday 3:00 PM RitL Focus Meeting:
Sex and Love Addicts
Meeting ID: 819 0840 3624
Password: sexlove
Discord chat available 24/7/365
The Discord general chat is always open for anyone in need outside of regular meetings. It's a great way to keep in touch; there is almost always someone on, and we’ve been known to open impromptu meetings when there is a need. Additional details are available in the Discord:
Note regarding Discord: New members must be added to the Discord server before joining in the meeting call. You must log in to the Discord server for the meeting before the meeting starts so the admin/hosts can vet and add you to the meeting.
Presently we have meetings on Monday at 12PM EST, Monday 8PM EST, Wednesday 8PM EST.